
Univ. Senate to debate Good Samaritan policy this year - News

Univ. Senate to debate Good Samaritan policy this year - News

This past Spring, students at University of Maryland, College Park voted with 94% support in favor of a "Good Samaritan Law" where students would be afforded amnesty if calling emergency services to get friends and peers necessary help who appear to be dangerously intoxicated.

What do you think? Should the University Senate at UMCP endorse this? Is this a policy that other system schools should consider?


L said...
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L said...
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L said...

I think it's a great idea and more schools should adopt similar policies. The law as it stands not only puts colleges in a bind, but the students who are in the best position to make life-saving phone calls in a difficult spot too.

It's more important for those with dangerous levels of intoxication to get help quickly than it is to punish those who technically broke the law.