
Student Voting Rights - Looking for Feedback/Input

As a part of Towson's 2009 Legislative Agenda I've been charged with researching voting rights issues as they pertain to students both across the country and for Maryland institutions specifically.

The main points I'm looking into are (1) what policies do different schools have concerning student voting, (2) are there polling places actually on campus or is there some form of transportation provided to sites for students registered using their on-campus addresses, (3) is there any policy that excuses students from class for voting or makes it clear that there it isn't an excused absence, and in general any other information concerning students attending Maryland schools.

I've tried combing through many USM schools' websites and haven't found much. If everyone could make an inquiry at their schools concerning these issues for me, it would be greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

Josh Michael said...

Here is some work that I did a bit ago...incomplete and more broad than you are looking for, but a good start on some things.

Also, each campus has to have (federally mandated) a coordinator for voter registration. So, that might be a good place to start.