
In the Heart of Campus: First Towson SGA Meeting

I had the opportunity to visit Towson again this past Tuesday, joining the SGA for its first meeting of the year. President Kristen Guy and Vice President James Torrence have already provided great initial leadership for the student leaders at Towson. I had the opportunity to talk at length with elected student leaders and other students about pressing student issues at Towson and in the State. Some concerns were raised about the expansion of Towson, but students explained that the university has done a great job accomodating for the expansion. A number of students seemed interested in examining diversity issues at Towson. In fact, the SGA for the first time this year has a Director for Diversity Initiatives. (Article on mtg in Towson Towerlight).

What struck me most, though, about the meeting was both the logistics and symbolism of meeting outside, in the heart of campus. With a full setup of microphones, tables, speakers, and a podium, the student government took the meeting and the open conversation to students. While I watched many students walk by the meeting, the message was clear--the Towson student government is getting back in touch with students. I have only every attended student leadership in closed meeting with no or few guests. While talking at the meeting and dialogueing back and forth, I felt the necessary reminder and accountability that all student leaders should feel as students walked by listening to our conversation. President Guy is dedicated to getting "back to basics," it all signs look good so far.

I wonder what strategies other student leaders are using to get in better touch with the pulse of students? What are your thoughts? best practices?

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