
Compliance with USM Textbook Policy: May 1 Publication

The Board of Regents passed the USM Policy on Textbook Affordability Measures at the February 13 meeting held at Towson University.  One of the more progressive portions requires all textbook selections to be finalized and published by May 1 for fall semesters and December 1 for spring semesters in II.1 of the policy.  This allows both for early access for students and assurances for the bookstore on which books will be used in the coming semester.  This advance knowledge allows bookstores to purchase textbooks at a higher price during buy-back.  The policy reads (III.10.II.1):

All University System of Maryland degree-granting institutions shall post on the institutional website ISBN, title, author, publisher, and edition for required course material as soon as faculty members and the bookstore have finalized the textbook selection but no later than May 1 for the fall semester and December 1 for the spring semester.  In the case that a course has not been assigned a faculty member by the given deadline, textbook selection shall be conducted and communicated to enrolled students expeditiously upon selection of the materials.

As of May 1, today, 7 USM institutions have complied with the USM policy.  They include:
  • University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • University of Maryland, College Park
  • Bowie State University
  • Towson University
  • Salisbury University
  • University of Baltimore
  • University of Maryland, Baltimore
 Four institutions have not complied with the USM Policy:
  • University of Maryland University College
  • Coppin State University
  • University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
  • Frostburg State University
I have been in contact with USM officials on this issue.  Preliminary discussion yields that the USM is under the impression that the newly passed state legislation "trumps" the USM Policy in this area.  The state legislation requires that universities publish textbook selections on their websites three weeks after the original selection by the professor and one week after for other bookstores.  There is no specific drop-date as in the USM policy.

But there are a few problems with the USM intepretation.  First, the USM Policy should be in effect already becuase it goes into implementation with the textbook selection process for classes in Fall 2009.  Second, and more importantly, the USM policy goes further than the state legislation, in setting a drop-date deadline (May 1 for fall and December 1 for spring) and requires immediate publication upon finalization of the order.

Because compliance with the USM policy does not preclude compliance with state law, why cannot the USM policy be followed?  The language goes further than the state legislation.  More details and updates to come...


Swine Flu Updates

With significantly more cases confirmed in the United States confirmed, the World Health Organization and the United States government have raised warning levels for the issue of the Swine Flu.  Of note, the levels are NOT at the level of a pandemic.  The characteristics of "person-to-person" transmission and the transmission across a number of nations are concerning.  So, what to do?

Here is a link to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention website (www.cdc.gov/swineflu).  This website provides basic information and explanation of the current concerns.  


Swine Flu

The Swine Flu has hit a number of places in North America, including Mexico and New York.  Eight cases have been identified, as of Sunday, in New York.  With a number of USM students traveling to Mexico for spring break, the flu is a legitimate threat in Maryland.  The USM has an Emergency Preparedness Policy that delegates the coordination and planning in such emergencies to institutions.

Institutions have been asked to meet and discuss plans in the case that the Swine Flu shoes up in Maryland.  Will post on more updates...

In the meantime, here is some advice from Dr. Frank Calia, Professor and Chair of the Department of Medicine, and Acting Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs of the UM School of Medicine.  Dr. Calia, who is an expert in infectious diseases, offers the following:


       1) Do not panic.

       2) Although swine flu has not yet been discovered in Maryland, it may hit here, however, to date the strain that has been discovered in the US is relatively mild and so far is responding well to two anti-virals

       3)The anti-virals are plentiful and readily available.

       4) They should NOT be given in advance of disease symptoms, since doing so widely may result in a flu strain developing for which the anti-virals will not work.

       5) The good news is that all swine flu, like all flu, prefers cold weather.  While we may see an outbreak, the chances will diminish as the weather gets warmer.


Tuition Freeze Passed

The Board of Regents passed a tuition freeze for in-state, undergraduate students today at a special board meeting.  Increases for out of state students do not exceed 4%, and increases for graduate and professional students do not exceed 7%.

The tuition freeze marks the fifth year of the same tuition for in-state undergraduates with the fourth straight freeze.  In a time when other states are considering massive increases in tuition to offset loss in state support revenue, Maryland has maintained state funding to make higher education more affordable for families.

Check out this article in The Sun .


Tution Freeze Vote set for Thursday, what do you think?

The Board of Regents will meet in a special session on Thursday, April 23 at 11am at Towson University to vote on tuition and mandatory fee rates for the 2009-2010 academic year.  The Board will consider a tuition freeze for in-state, undergraduate students.  Out-of-state tuition increases for undergraduate students does not exceed 4%, and for graduate students does not exceed 7%.  The Governor is set to hold a press conference to announce the Board's decision immediately after.  If the Board chooses to approve the tuition freeze, in-state, undergraduate students will not have seen an increase in tuition in five years.

The Chancellor has recommended, specifically, the tuition freeze for in-state undergraduates.  The Governor in his original proposed budget set aside $16 million to fund the lost revenue from the tuition freeze.  The legislature cut $5.9 from the base budget and a one-time fund balance cut of $9 million.  Additionally, the $16 million now is funded through the federal stimulus dollars, which will run dry after two years.

I support the proposed tuition freeze, becuase I believe that the provided budget serves the system well in maintaining quality and expanding access for in-state undergraduates.  While the subsequent cuts from the legislature will be felt, Maryland sits better than all other states during this diffucult time.

Members of the USM Student Council echoed its previous concerns of an "unfunded" tuition freeze, of which this is partially unfunded.  Members explained that they were concerned that politics was taking control of tuition.  Further, they expressed that policy leaders must engage in long-term planning to prevent major tuition increases in out years.  They explained that tuition predictability was just as important as affordability.  The USMSC has asked to address the Board of Regents at the meeting.

Even with the lost tuition revenues from the in-state, undergraduate tuition freeze, the operating budget fares better in the USM than any other place in the United States.  Despite the proposed budget cuts, USM saw an increase in state support.

What are your thoughts on a tuition freeze?


Josh Michael for SGA Senate!

UMBC students - I have spent the last year representing you (and students from across the USM) as the USM student regent and am excited to serve you in the SGA Senate next year.  Working with student leaders across Maryland this year, I see the potential for what the UMBC SGA can do for you.  Here's what I would like to do:

  • restore mission and professionalism to the SGA
  • prioritize advocacy in the operation of the SGA
  • establish concrete outreach plans to return the SGA to UMBC students
I have been involved on campus a fair amount, as well as in student advocacy in the state:
  • Student Regent, University System of Maryland (2008-present)
  • Student Commissioner, Maryland Higher Education Commission (2007-2008)
  • UMBC Representative/Ex-Officio Member, University System of Maryland Student Council (2006-present)
  • Director of Community and Governmental Affairs, UMBC SGA (2007-2008)
  • Assistant Director of Community and Governmental Affairs, UMBC SGA (2006-2007)
  • Volunteer in Baltimore City schools (Fall 2006 - Winter 2007)
  • Member of the UMBC Honors College
  • Member of the UMBC Sondheim Public Affairs Scholars Program
  • Brother of Pi Kappa Phi (2007 - present)
  • Studying Political Science and Secondary Education, to graduate in Spring 2010
Visit my facebook page to learn more.  

Elections will take place through Blackboard Monday to Wednesdsay (April 20-22).  Vote through this link. If you have difficulty voting, send me an email at joshmichael@umbc.edu or call me at (410) 294-8581 and I will ensure that you have the opportunity to vote.

Please leave comments and questions.  Thanks!


Textbook Legislation Passes

The General Assembly considered an amended bill in the House and Senate late last Thursday and passed it in both chambers.  Most problems have been removed from the bill, although university bookstores are required to hand over unconfirmed textbook selections to private, off-campus bookstores one week after the original submission by faculty.

Legislative leaders bypassed the traditional "conference committee" process (described in a previous post ), and simply developed a back-room compromise.  This procedure allowed for the bill to advance late in the session.  (Recall that recent days have been swamped by a discussion of a screening of a porn film at UMCP).  The new bill addresses a number of amendments that I had concerns with but still places an undue burden on campus-based bookstores of turning over information to private bookstores prematurely.  I believe this could have an unintended consequence of raising book prices for students.

Yet, the bill contains a number of positive components for students, warranting its passage:

  • guarunteed ISBN publication to students
  • publication to students prior to the week before classes
  • requirements on publishers in providing information to faculty
  • a process that has faculty consider a number of factors in selecting a textbook, including the cost, content revisions in a textbook, and the necessity of supplementary materials
Combining the federal legislation passed in Fall 2008, the USM Board of Regents policy passed in February 2009, and the new state legislation, students have been well served in enacting policy to lower the cost of textbooks.

Check out this article in the Diamondback highlighting the passage.


A Porn Policy?

After a failed attempt to cancel a showing of Pirates II: Stagnetti's Revenge by State Senator Andy Harris, he tried to tie capital construction funds for the USM to the development of a policy limiting explicit material on campuses.  Senate President Miller called the amendment to the budget out of order.  The chamber supported Miller by a vote of 35-12. 

But surely, this issue is far from over.  The legislature may ask governing bodies of public institutions to report on policies for explicit material.  And, governing bodies, like the Board of Regents, may pass a policy to preempt any legislation limiting funding for higher education before next session.  It looks like the issue has cooled off for now, but keep your eyes open on the issue.

In my previous post, I noted my opposition for any limitations, in legislation or policy, on First Amendment rights and freedom of expression on university campuses:

Viewing a pornographic film on campus in the student union is distasteful.  But this conversation is about much more.  It's about the innapropriate use of legislative authority.Senator Harris' attempt to use the power of the purse to limit academic freedom and societal discourse at USM institutions is irresponsible and out of place.  The film cost no money to the university, and the student activities board thought it to be a positive component to the discourse on the UMCP campus.  While i find the movie distasteful, I fear of the potential for censorship to come on Senator Harris' and other's moral beliefs.  When dealing with adults in our nation, we have celebrated a long standing tradition of free speech.  Why should this change in campuses of public universities?  Additionally, the legislature should respect the administrative authority of the USM and the UMCP administration in governing public universities in Maryland on such administrative issues.  This move flies in the face of the principle of the First Amendment.

Accordingly, I will likely not support a USM policy, envisioned by Senator Harris.  Thoughts?

USM Budget Compromise

With the legislative session in Annapolis on Monday, Senate and House leaders have been hard at work coming to a compromise on budget issues, including funding for the University System of Maryland.  In his original budget for higher education, Governor O'Malley proposed at $28 million increase for the University System of Maryland, $16.9 million dedicated to offsetting lost revenues from a tuition freeze for in-state students.  Recall, the House and Senate were at odds on cuts from the Governor's original budget, in an effort to offset lower-than-expected tax revenues:

  • House - $10.8 million from annual budget; $10 million from fund balance
  • Senate - $5.4 million from annual budget; $4 million from fund balance
The Budget Conference Committee reconciled the budget late Tuesday night.  Here is the outcome:
  • $5.8 million annual budget; $9 million from fund balance
It's questionable as to whether this $14.8 million cut will afford the system a tuition freeze again this year.  The Board of Regents will discuss and decide on this issue in coming weeks.  More to come on the Governor's federal stimulus supplementary budget...


Pornographic Films and First Amendment Freedoms

Senator Andy Harris and Senate President Mike Miller challenged the showing of a pornographic film Pirates II: Stagnetti's Revenge last thursday by levereging $400 million of state appropriations for the USM institutions.  The student-led activities board that selects movies chose to air the film after they were presented with a free license from Digital Playground.

In response, the UMCP administration overrode the student activity board and stopped the showing of the film.  Outrage from UMCP students and others ensued.  The film has been shown at Northwestern, UCLA, and Carnegie Mellon already. Since, students at UMBC and UMCP have moved forward in sponsoring showings of the pornographic film, not for pure entertainment purposes, but to resist the infringement of academic freedom on college campuses. Many argue that the choice of viewing such a film is option, and it is not the job of the legislature to censor adult material from adults on college campuses.  Any step to limit explicit material is a step in the direction of limiting academic freedom and discourse.

The topic has recieved significant press:
Here's my view:  Viewing a pornographic film on campus in the student union is distasteful.  But this conversation is about much more.  It's about the innapropriate use of legislative authority.

Senator Harris' attempt to use the power of the purse to limit academic freedom and societal discourse at USM institutions is irresponsible and out of place.  The film cost no money to the university, and the student activities board thought it to be a positive component to the discourse on the UMCP campus.  While i find the movie distasteful, I fear of the potential for censorship to come on Senator Harris' and other's moral beliefs.  When dealing with adults in our nation, we have celebrated a long standing tradition of free speech.  Why should this change in campuses of public universities?  Additionally, the legislature should respect the administrative authority of the USM and the UMCP administration in governing public universities in Maryland on such administrative issues.  This move flies in the face of the principle of the First Amendment.


Student Costs in Higher Education

"How much does it cost to go to college?"  Too many of us have simply looked at the "tuition" dollar and assumed that was it.  Yet, those of us in school know this is only the beginning.  And the next question most of us ask is "where does our money go?"  So, here are some answers!

Costs in Higher Education:

  • Tuition (UMBC - $6484 in-state/$9500 state for in-state students/$15216 out of state) - This money is used to operate the university function.  This means most everything besides the student union, athletics, residential life, and dining services.  Out-of-state students see the real cost of tuition, while in-state students receive a hefty "supplement" from the state government that goes directly to the university.
  • Mandatory Fees (UMBC - $2296) - Everyone pays the same for this.  These fees help pay for non-primary functions, such as transportation, athletics, and student activities.  It also helps repay debt service for non-primary buildings on campus, such as the student union and other facilities.  
  • Room (UMBC - 5500 for a dorm room) - Room costs pay for residential life facility use and for programming.  Prices range on the availability of amenities like a kitchen, bathroom, etc.  Also, the status of a single room can also cost more.  Apartment style is usually the most expensive option.
  • Board (UMBC - 3460 full meal plan) - Means plans can cost a lot for students.  Students can purchase smaller plans, but here is the full cost of food if one chooses to eat on campus.
  • Lab Fees - Lab fees vary, but usually occur more in science and technology courses.  
  • Textbooks (Average $1000 per year) - Textbooks.  They cost a lot (although check out this policy  that I helped pass through the USM to lower the cost.)  Again, this cost depends on discipline.  Some courses can get away with more inexpensive options, while others cannot.  100 level courses often have the most burdensome selections with bundles and many supplemental materials.
  • other institutional costs ( a range) - This can include transcript fees, graduation fees, lost books, parking tickets, student event tickets, etc.
  • Total cost - for an out-of-state student, costs reach close to $35,000.  For in-state students, they reach about $20,000.

So there's the breakdown.  It's a lot of money, but the pot is sectioned off for sure.  Thoughts on cost?


Tuition for Undocumented Immigrants...Updates

The Arkansas Senate voted down legislation that would provide undocumented immigrants with in-state tuition rates, if they attend an Arkansas public school for atleast three years and recieve a high school diploma.  Similar legislation has been approved by 10 states in the U.S.  Yet, many states have been hesitant to move forward with such legislation, including Maryland, becuase of possible violation of federal law, as covered in a recent article in DIVERSE.

Congress passed the Illigal Immigration and Immigration Responsibility Act in 1996 to address a number of issues in the immigration debate.  One issues is that of tuition for undocumented immigrants.  The IIRIRA reads:
In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an alien who is not lawfully present in the United States shall not be eligible on the basis of residence within a State (or a political subdivision) for any postsecondary education benefit unless a citizen or national of the United States is eligible for such a benefit (in no less an amount, duration, and scope) without regard to whether the citizen or national is such a resident.
In essence, Congress intended to eliminate the ability for states to afford in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants through this bill.  The ten states that provide in-state tuition for these individuals, and those who attempted to do so, see a loop hole in this clause by affording in-state tuition rates for any individual who attends school for three years in-state.  Accordingly, this can be an in-state citizen, an out-of-state citizen, a legal immigrant, or an undocumented immigrant.  

Congress since attempted to overturn the limiting clause from the IIRIRA through the DREAM Act.  A major leader in this effort is Senator Richard Durbin (D-Illinois).  Votes for approval are in place, but some in the Senate have blocked this from through a failed cloture vote on the past. A recent article in Inside Higher Education highlights that proponents are attempting to attach an amendment to another bill, such as the Department of Defense Authorization Act.

Of note, the Supreme Court has yetto take up the issue of whether the federal law preempts state laws in this specific area of immigration.  Yet, the California Court of Appeals recently invalidated the California law permitting this policy in a case Martinez v. Regents of the University of California, et al. (2008).  The case has been appealed to the California Supreme Court.

I have written a paper on this issue, which you can read at your leisure.  Here is a brief abstract:
In 1996, Congress passed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, intending to end the practice of affording undocumented immigrants in-state tuition rates for college. Subsequently, state legislatures have acted to circumvent the federal law through technical changes in the requirements for in-state tuition. In light challenges in federal regulation of immigration, many illegal immigrants reside in America and progress through K-12 public schools. 65,000 undocumented immigrants graduate from high school each year and over 1.5 million undocumented immigrant children attend public K-12 schools. A technical battle has ensued in courts, debating the balance of federal intent and textual interpretation in a federal preemption challenge. While courts have periodically dismissed cases on procedural grounds in the past, a recent California Court of Appeals Decision in Martinez v. Regents of the University of California, et al. (2008) invalidated a California law allowing for in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants. The case has subsequently been appealed. Yet, without a U.S. Supreme Court decision, varied interpretations of the federal law will result in incongruent execution of a critically important policy of higher education tuition for undocumented immigrants.


Textbook Legislation passes the House

The House of Delegates passed their version of a Textbook Bill today, after a favorable review with amendments from the Appropriations Committee on Saturday.  Substantive changes reduce administrative burdens to universities and bookstores, which will ensure that the cost of textbooks is not inadvertenly increased.  A few amendments seem to cater to book publishers, skirting provisions attempting to address bundling and integrated textbooks.  Here is a list of amendments that I will advocate for:

  • On page 4 Line 15 C.1.III remove the word "not"  to read "Which textbooks are integrated textbooks and are therefore subject to subsection (F) (3) of this section, as reported by the publisher under subsection (E) of this section."
  • On page 5 Line 33 D.2.II.5  remove the word "not" to read "...that an integrated textbook is subject to subsection (F)(3) of this section."
  • On page 6 Line 20, E.1.III:  reinstate "expressed as an itemized list."
  • On page 6 Line 24&25 E.1.V:  reinstate "Variances in price, if any, between bundled and unbundled items."
With two versions of the bill passed in the House and the Senate, a conference committee will be convened.  The committee will include three senators and three delegates, and four of the six must come to consensus on an acceptable version of the bill.  Then, comparable amendments are submitted to both bodies; 50% approval of the new bill is needed from both houses prior to April 13.  

The House bill generally addresses most of my concerns with the bill regarding administrative burdens and limitations on academic freedom.  Hopefully, members of the Senate and House cancome to a reasonable agreement, hopefully much closer to the House version, so that the bill does not have the same fate as last year's version.


A Good Samaritan Policy for college campuses

Student leaders at UMCP have long advocated for a Good Samaritan Policy for students contacting police and emergency services for students dangerously under the influence of alcohol.  The policy has gained significant student support in past years, but broader campus community has been resistant.

A committee was formed last year to review this issue to develop a policy for the University Senate (the campus shared governance body) to consider the policy.  The Diamondback reports that the new proposed policy addresses many concerns of faculty and staff raised in previous years.  The policy protects both the student under the influence and the student contacting emergency personnel from sanctions.  Of note, UMCP students approved the policy by referendum during last year's election with 90% support.

In my view, the policy is long overdue at UMCP; it's also a policy that other campuses should consider.  The policy protects students who choose to make responsible decisions in siding with safety.  The policy is long overdue, and is one that when implemented, sets a tone that student safety is a first priority.


Budget Updates from the Senate and the Governor

Today, the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee voted in its amendments to the Governor's originally proposed budget.  Members approved a base budget cut of $5.4 million and a fund balance cut of $4 million.  This $9.4 million cut is less than half of the proposed $20.8 million cut from the House ($10.8 budget, $10 fund balance).

Both committee reports have maintained the expectation that the Board of Regents will still support a tuition freeze, despite cuts that will likely erode quality.

In the Governor's amended budget today, he cut the original $16.9 million from the base budget that would support the tuition freeze.  In its place, he has filled the $16.9 million hole with two years of funding from the federal stimulus package.  The upside of this proposal is that there will be full-funding of the budget and tuition freeze for two years.  The downside is that after two years, a larger-than-normal hole will open up that will need to be filled by state dollars in FY2012.


**TAKE ACTION** Support Full Funding for Higher Education

Funding for USM institutions is at risk!  The House Appropriations Committee voted to decrease funding by $20.3 million last week.  Take 2 minutes to let your elected representatives know how important it is to support higher education (if you are an out-of-state student, feel free to use your campus address).

Click this link to TAKE ACTION to send an email message to your legislators letting them know that you support full-funding of the Governor's budget.  The sooner you send, the better.  Forward this link to your friends, parents, neighbors, and professors so that legislators hear how important funding higher education is (they can use this specific link).  It only takes a few minutes by simply entering your address and editing a pre-drafted message.  Be sure to let your legislators know your role in the USM (student, faculty, etc.).

A cut of $20.3 million will ensure tuition is not frozen for in-state undergaduates, lower the quality of programs for all students, and could threaten pay/job security for faculty and staff.

If you have further questions, please email me ASAP at joshmichael@umbc.edu or call me at (410) 294-8581.

Read this message from the USM website:

Support Higher Education Funding 
Oppose Legislative Cuts to Higher Education
Governor O’Malley’s FY 2010 budget proposal for the University System of Maryland supports the overarching goals shared by the state and the University System of Maryland:
  • provide access to high-quality and affordable programs and services;
  • ensure that the state’s public higher education system sustains its critical role in advancing Marylanders’ quality of life—intellectually, economically, socially, culturally, and in areas related to health.
The Department of Legislative Services is reccomending the General Assembly cut the USM funding by $5.7 million dollars and possibly more. Ask your legislators to reject this cut and fully fund higher education to maintain the quality, affordability and accessability of our public universities.

Cuts proposed in the House, debate over tuition freeze

The subcommittee on Education of the House Appropriations Committee voted last week to cut the USM Budget another $20.3 million as part of an effort to balance the state budget.  Of the $20.3 million, $10 million will come from the base operating budget (meaning a carry-over cut in years out) and $10.3 from the fund balance, meaning a one-time cut from the USM's savings that are used to sure up bonds for buildings.

The Governor proposed in his budget this year to increase funding for higher education by $27 million, $16.9 million dedicated to supporting a fourth straight tuition freeze for undergraduate students.  The increases, together, would both maintain quality and increase affordability by holding down the cost of tuition for students. 

Yet, after cutting $20.1 million from the budget, House officials still feel that the USM should hold the line on tuition.  Subcommittee Chair Delegate John Bohanan said, 
I would hope and doubt that the impact would result in a tuition hike for students...In the end, higher education is going to fare extremely well.
In the Governor's original budget, the tuition freeze support funding is listed as a separate line-item.  Delegates left this language in, assuming that the designation would ensure that the money would actually be used to hold tuition.

USM Chancellor Brit Kirwan expressed that this was not the case, and that with general fund dollars cut, that the tuition freeze dollars would then simply fill the whole of depleted funds.  The Board of generally only supported "funded" tuition freezes, of which the house proposal would not be.

I personally am opposed to the concept of an "unfunded" tuition freeze, as is the case in the House version of the budget.  Fortunately, the Board of Regents sets tuition policies, partially removing the decision from political pressures.  Chancellor Kirwan has highlighted that higher education in Maryland appreciates all the support and recognizes the need to cut the budget during the tough ficsal times--but not at the cost of major deficiences in quality.  

While the House version is far from the final proposal, the move to institute an "unfunded" tuition freeze from legislators is concerning.  With strapped universities, quality erodes.  Class sizes grow, faculty are overloaded, library resources remain stagnant, campus hours shorten, other fees arise, among other indicators.  A moderate tuition increase is an appropriate compromise if the state cannot fund the USM budget to the appropriate level.

But, in the meantime, the Senate is still in the process of developing its budget proposal.  Traditionally, the Senate is a bit more liberal in supporting higher education.  I have met with both the Chair of Budget and Taxation, Senator Currie, and the Chair of the Education subcommittee, Senate Kasemeyer, who both said to me that they plan to provide full funding for a tuition freeze.  So, we continue to share our concerns and thoughts with members in the Senate.  Once the Senate has a budget proposal, the House and Senate will meet in conference committee to work out details.

Check out articles highlighting developments:
- in The Sun


Smoking on Campus

It's hard to walk on any college campus and not run into a cloud of cigarette smoke.  It's something that most of us come to accept.  There are always certain entrances, walkways, and patios that non-smokers simply avoid.

But recently, university officials in Maryland have taken a stand on a number of campuses to regulate public smoking.  UMBC and College Park both endorsed plans that limit smoking on campus.  In the case of UMCP, individuals are not allowed to smoke indoors or within 15 feet of any building entrance.  at UMBC, students cannot smoke within 20 feet of a building entrance, and are restricted in common areas like Academic Row and on the Commons Patio.  These policies are met with modest and ineffective enforcement methods.

In recent months, university officials have stepped up their game.  Citing second-hand smoke and "butt" littering and driven by the stigma of smoking, officials hope to make their campus more attractive for visitors and prospective students.  Last year, the Towson Administration rejected a regulatory plan that would permit smoking only at certain areas on campus.  Instead, the Administration called for a completely "smoke-free" campus.  The administration is in the process of "recieving feedback" from students on the idea.  Students have expressed to me that these sessions have been more informative than conducive to conversation and discourse.

At UMBC, the Residential Life staff stepped up their game and overran the regulations in the policy.  They outlined designated smoking areas for students and forced ResLife staff to enforce the policy.  UMBC student Paula McCusker fought back, and successfully repealed the expanded interpretation of the Non-Smoking Policy.  She tells about her experience on her blog.

CNN highlighted  in 2007 trends in "smoke-free" campuses in an article.

The issue raises quite a question for student and campus leaders.  Consensus has seemed to develop on the need to regulate smoking somewhat to protect those who choose not to smoke.  Secondhand smoke has proven harmful, and it's simply unpleasant to walk through a cloud of cigarette smoke.

But to what extent should it be regulated?  One of the major challenges is the lack of enforcement of such policies.  Who is to police smoking?  Some have suggested campus police and security, but don't they have more important things to be monitoring?

I believe students should have the right to smoke.  And, if they live and work on a USM campus, we must find a way to accommodate to their needs and desires.  At the same time, we must find ways for others on campus to be able to avoid smoke clouds.  The best way to do this is to establish a realistic and respectful plan that allows students and community members to smoke in designated areas that are covered for the rain and snow in heavy-traffic parts of campus and allows students to smoke freely in less-trafficked parts of campus, away from building entrances.  Without these accommodations, smokers will return the campus community with the same disrespect afforded to them.  And the identified problem will remain.


Tuition freeze warming up

Monday , Governor O'Malley stood with Senators Cardin and Mikulski at Bowie State University, explaining that the federal stimulus package would allow for greater investment in community colleges and for full-funding of a fourth year of an in-state, undergraduate tuition freeze.  The dedication of federal stimulus dollars seemed to seal the deal a fourth tuition freeze...
Gov. Martin O'Malley
But on Tuesday , Governor O'Malley instead sat with Budget Secretary Eloise Foster, legislative leaders, and budget analysts, explaining that revenue estimates came in even lower than the already deflated expectations.  According to estimate, the Governor needs to fill an additional $516 million hole, tallying the total deficit to $1.1 billion.  Further layoffs, furloughs, and pay cuts have been put back on the table.  And of course, funding to support a funded tuition freeze has as well.

Updates are sure to come in future days.  Recall that the Board of Regents (of which I am your student representative to) officially sets tuition rates, and will do so after the Legislative Session, which ends in mid-April.


UMCP SGA: Green Ed. for all students

Last night at its weekly Senate meeting, the UMCP SGA called on the General Education Task Force to consider Green Education as part of the general education requirement for all students.  Calling the move both intellectually and ethically engaging, the bill passed 14-2-5.  Opposition found the requirement to cumbersome for students who already struggle to graduate in four years because of the large number of required courses.  The action was highlighted in the Diamondback .

I fully support the notion, and wrote about the idea on this blog in August.  Here's a clip:
I believe that we should work to move "GreenEd" into the general education requirements of our schools--no I am not saying that we should propose more general education requirements. Yet, I believe that we should work to reform some of our general education requirements to include GreenEd. Possibly non-lab sciences or social science courses would be required to include GreenEd principles.
 Kudos to my friend Davey Rogner, the SGA Environmetal Affairs liaison for this effort and many others at UMCP this year and in past years.


Textbook Update

During my hiatus last week, a number of advancements have occurred in the realm of textbooks.  After a worthwhile hearing in the House on February 17, Delegate Rice committed to proposing significant amendments to the House version of the bill (HB 85 ) which will be submitted soon.  At the same time, the Senate Bill (SB 183) was scheduled for a Senate floor vote on Friday February 20.  Senator Middleton raised significant concerns on the floor, and first laid over the bill to Tuesday February 24.  On the floor, a number of amendments were proposed.  An amendment to change the publication timeline of textbook selections to once the order is "finalized" failed 22-24.  An amendment by Senator Astle to change "affirm and acknowledge" to "acknowledge" in section D passed 25-22.

So, the bill has passed in the Senate 45-0 in its current form.  The Senate now waits for the House to finalize the cross-filed bill.  If there are any differences in the two bills, a conference Committee will be formed.  This appears to be likely with the House adopting amendments supported by the USM Students panel, the USM, Community Colleges, Independent Colleges, MHEC, and Bookstores.

One major compromise that will likely be included is extending the publication of the textbook selection in Section G from the earlier of 1 week or the final selection to 30 days after the original selection.  The student panel testified that publication 1 week after the original selection would require bookstores to publish unfinalized information and then students could purchase wrong books.  The compromise extends this timeline to 30 days.  Do recall, at all USM schools, all selections must be posted for the Fall semester by May 1 and for the Spring semester by December 1.

This compromise, and the inclusion of Senator Astle's amendment, adequately address the main concerns that I have outlined.  I have pulled the letter from the CapWiz program at UMBC and will be working with student leaders to develop a consensus on the issue.  The Senate bill still raises issues, but the House amendments, expected from Delegate Rice, will be satisfactory and in the end, actually help students.


Take Action! Textbooks

Legislators will be considering textbook legislation is the next few days.  I have drafted an automated letter through an online program.  When you get a moment, please take 15 seconds and send the letter if you agree with the content.  Here is the link:

Action is time sensitive, so the sooner the better.

Tuition freeze right move for Maryland's future

Jonathan Sachs, Student Body President at UMCP, and I submitted an op-ed to The Baltimore Sun regarding the possibility of a tuition freeze.  Check out the article or read it here:

As students who are directly affected by the cost of tuition, we believe it is important to explain why a fourth straight tuition freeze for resident undergraduate students at our public universities is so important for Maryland. 

Even with tuition frozen for three years, student costs have increased. Since 2005, mandatory fees for students (for parking, student unions and recreation services) have increased 15 percent; room, by 14 percent; and board, by 13 percent at the University of Maryland, College Park. Couple these increases with the rising costs of textbooks (increasing at four times the rate of inflation), transportation and other associated costs, and an in-state student's annual bill can reach more than $20,000.

Most students in the University System of Maryland are not wealthy. Our parents are teachers, government workers, nurses and police officers. This economic crisis has hit our families hard, and we need any financial break we can get to continue pursuing a college degree - which will better position us to contribute to Maryland's vibrant, knowledge-based economy. 

We need a tuition freeze to help keep costs affordable so that we can stay enrolled. Maryland is witnessing an amazing transformation in public higher education. New facilities are being built on campuses across the state, and academic standards continue to rise. The state's public universities are ranked among the nation's best and are educating more students than ever. At the same time, our classes are more racially and socioeconomically diverse than previous classes. 

Continuing the tuition freeze will not hinder this growth at all. To the contrary, it will help open doors for more Marylanders to share the outstanding opportunity of attending a public university. The proposed freeze would cost the state $16 million, a small fraction of the more than $1 billion in state investment in higher education each year. 

"Governing is choosing," and Gov. Martin O'Malley has chosen to invest in Maryland's future, so that we can fill the jobs of our state's advancing economy. This is a long-term, worthwhile strategy for investing in the minds needed for Maryland's future success.

Jonathan Sachs is Student Government Association president at the University of Maryland, College Park. Josh Michael is a student member of the University System of Maryland Board of Regents and a UMBC student.


Tuition Freeze becoming a reality

The announcement of Governor O'Malley's intention to fully fund the Thornton calculations for K-12 education during the next two years.  Why does this matter to higher education, you ask?

What's not said is what is important in this article.  In funding K-12 education above the originally proposed levels, the Governor will surely have the funds to fully support his proposed dollars in the operating budget for the USM.  The Governor has relied upon funding from the federal government to support his operating budget.

So, the tuition freeze is becoming more and more likely each day.  The announcement of full-funding of K-12 this year is a sign that funding should arrive for higher education to support a funded tuition freeze.

President Caret in the spotlight

The Sun ran a piece  today on Towson University President Bob Caret.  It highlights his aggressive approach to growth at Towson, that has expanded the campus by 6,000 students during his tenure.  Take a moment to check out this nice article.

Robert Caret


Tuition Freeze: Keeping it in Perspective

I have long been a supporter of funded tuition freezes.  As with any meaningful policy, students range in perspective on the issue of tuition freezes.  Hard-line affordability advocates have long cried that colleges waste student tuition dollars on frivolous expenditures, and that holding the line on revenues would force universities to cut the fat.  Other students have criticized tuition freezes as "political" policy, at the expense of educational quality.  In other words, politicians sacrifice the quality of education for students in exchange for votes.

The sound bite of "tuition freeze" does not do justice to the full policy.  It describes the tuition revenues with out the accompanying state revenues.  Some tuition freezes are really tuition subsidies, in which the state covers the bill for increased tuition for in-state, undergraduate students.  Others are true caps on tuition without state subsidy support, decreasing the real revenue for the university (adjusted for inflation).  So,a funded tuition freeze is like an across-the-board scholarship for students from the state.  An unfunded tuition freeze is like the BGE cap on electricity rates.  The result in the latter scenario is large increases when the cap comes off.

In Maryland, we have experienced three tuition freezes and are expecting a fourth.  The first, under the Ehrlich  Administration, is characterized as an "unfunded" tuition freeze.  The latter two and proposed fourth, under the O'Malley Administration, are considered funded tuition freezes.  I support funded tuition freezes, and don't support unfunded freezes.  In response to critics who describe the waste in higher education, I highlight the Effectiveness and Efficiency Initiative , which has derived cost savings for the USM of 1 to 2 % of the budget.  The tuition subsidy proposed in the FY2010 budget amounts to $16.9 million.  The USM Board of Regents has established an arrangement with the Governor that he must "buy" tuition freezes up and above the proposed operating budget allocations.

I had the opportunity to talk with a reporter from The State News, the Michigan State University independent newspaper regarding the tuition freeze policy in Maryland.  I described the policy in Maryland, and also cautioned about the possible negative impacts of suffering quality that can derive from artificial revenue caps.  Check out the article  to see for yourself.

I am often found defending the policy under its current merits, and rarely explain the caveats of which I include in my position.  I support funded tuition freezes, but only if not at the cost of decreasing quality.


The Sun: More Maryland families choosing USM institutions

The Sun highlighted today in an article a trend of more Maryland high school students choosing to attend public institutions in Maryland.  

The article highlights that admission applications are up at USM schools.  While this is great for our schools and for Marylanders, the consequence is that students who likely would have been admitted to USM institutions previously many not be admitted now.  As the demand increases, the supply cannot respond as quickly.


Testimony on House Bill 85

I testified on Tuesday as part of a panel of USM student leaders expressing support with amendments to House Bill 85.  The USM Student Council voted unanimously (10-0) at its 2/9 meeting to only support the bill with substantial amendments. Panel members included:
  • Bill Logan, Towson undergraduate, Chair of USM Student Council
  • Brady Walker, University of Baltimore law, Vice Chair of USM Student Council
  • Sarah Elfreth, Towson undergraduate, Towson SGA and 2009-2010 USM Student Regent
  • Roberto Munster, UMCP graduate, UMCP Graduate Student Government and USM Student Council member
Our testimony highlighted a number of additions and concerns, addressing concerns of costly administrative burdens, publication of unconfirmed information, limitations on academic freedom, an possible unintended consequences.  We submitted an amended version for review (email me at joshmichael@umbc.edu for a full tracked-changes version).
House members were receptive to comments, and Delegate Craig Rice is willing to carve up the bill to avoid the explained unintended consequences.
The Diamondback covered the event, highlighting the potential increased costs for students, resulting from the proscriptive language.  An editorial  was also published today.


USM Passes Policy on Textbook Affordability Measures

The USM Board of Regents unanimously supported the Policy on textbook Affordability Measures yesterday at a meeting at Towson University.  The policy is excepted to cut textbook costs for students by 20-30%.  

The Sun  the Policy and also wrote anin support of the action.

Coverage on the development:
The Sun (covered /  editorial )


Board of Regents set to approve Textbook Policy

The Board of Regents will consider the proposed "Policy on Textbook Affordability Measures" at tomorrow's full Board meeting at Towson University.  The effort stems from the Textbook Affordability Summit held on November 24th by the USM.  The policy includes a number of provisions, that when coupled with the federal law addressing textbooks, will significantly decrease the cost for students.  

The policy ensures that:
  • students recieve ISBN numbers and other information regarding textbook selections well in advance of the beginning of the semester to ensure that students can shop competitively outside the bookstore
  • deadlines for book finalization are set prior to the conclusion of classes in order to maximize the book buy-back process
  • best practices for faculty regarding new editions of textbooks and bundling
  • faculty can allow students to purchase older editions of an assigned book of the content is of relevant educational content
  • bookstores stock both unbundled and bundled versions of materials
  • students have the opportunity to review the use of course materails through final course evaluations
  • faculty are educated of the policy each semester.
While legislation has been proposed by state legislators to address the problem, I question how provisions in this bill could negatively impact students.  The bill generally reiterates, in a number of places, positive provisions included in the federal textbook bill and the USM policy.  Yet, additional costs will likely rise for students as additional red-tape and regulation is inserted in the textbook adoption process, in the form of increased cost of books at the campus bookstore.  Additionally, limitations and unnecessary burdens on faculty could limit and frustrate the work and academic freedom of faculty.

The policy should pass the Board of Regents tomorrow, and should provide a comprehensive and workable policy to help lower the cost of textbooks.


USMSC Leadership Transition

The University System of Maryland Student Council (USMSC) met on Sunday at UMES.  One of the main agenda items was mid-year elections to replace David Walker from Bowie State, who resigned as Chair.

Bill Logan, a senior at Towson, was elected to serve as Chair for the remainder of the year.  He can be contacted at wlogan1@towson.edu.  In the remainder of the term, Bill hopes to ensure a successful transition to the new Council and also hopes to represent students within the USM and in Annapolis during the legislative session.


Stacking up the House and Senate Stimulus Package

Higher Ed Watch provides a thorough review  of the developments in the federal stimulus package.  Generally, the Senate version of the bill has significantly less funding for higher education.  The cut in state stabilization dollars could have a significant impact on higher education funding and the proposed tuition freeze.  Here is a chart stacking the two proposals side-by-side.

Submit your FAFSA!

FAFSA forms are due March 1--take care of it now so that you won't have financial problems down the line.  The FAFSA form is the federal financial aid form that helps the government determine your eligibiltiy for financial aid scholarships and loans.  the State government also uses the form in its analysis, as do other scholarship programs.

Go to www.fafsa.ed.gov to complete yours today.

Ruckus shuts down, USM student speaks out

Ruckus  officially shut down earlier this week, closing the door on what many university administrators saw as a solution to filesharing on campuses.  The service allowed students to access music online through temporary licenses.  While an alternative to what some have dubbed as "illegal filesharing," the program was full of problems.

Michael Castello, a student at UMBC and a member of the USM Student Council, has been working with UMBC and USM officials on this issue, recognizing that Ruckus is not a solution to the problem and that provisions targeting universities and college students for illegal filesharing is illegitimate.

Castello has developed into quite the expert and champion of the issue, and has recently been highlighted in a P2Pnet.net article .  I look forward to Michael posting on the Blog to tell us more.


UMBC SGA President resigns, Rettaliata to be sworn in

UMBC Student Government Association President, Steve Gilmore, resigned on February 9th after failing to meet the GPA requirement for the fall semester.

Gabe Rettaliata has been sworn in as President and will serve the remainder of the term through May.

The Retriever Weekly and UMBCUnderground have both covered the story.


Textbooks hit the press, USM policy & state legislation

The USM textbook policy and state legislation have gotten a lot of newspaper coverage in recent days.  The Board of Regents Education Policy Committee considered the textbook policy on Monday, and state legislation had a hearing on Wednesday.

I have spoken out in support of the state legislation with amendments.  I have some concerns with the bill, because I think it overburdens the administrative function of the bookstore, to the point where student costs will rise whether textbooks are purchased at the bookstore or not.  Additionally, the USM policy and federal legislation address the pertinent issues that impact tuition affordability by increasing redtape (see sections C & D).

In the Examiner Article, a quote highlights my statement that I would prefer to purchase books at the campus bookstore, when prices are comparable.  The reason for this is that the revenues collected on top of the cost of the book help cover the personnel costs of the arduous process of selecting books, as well as to subsidize other costs in the university.  Profits made on textbooks purchased outside of the bookstore go to the pockets of private businesses and corporations.

In my view, the goal should not be to run campus bookstores out of business by adding significant amounts of red tape, but to lower the cost of assigned books and then providing students with the ISBN number so they can search outside the university for books when the costs are overpriced.

Examiner Article
Diamondback - USM Policy / Legislation  / Editorial
The Towson Towerlight

State to fund domestic partner benefits

Governor O'Malley submitted regulations earlier this week to fund domestic partner benefits.  This has been a long-and-coming proposal that students and faculty of the USM have long supported.

Equality Maryland, an advocacy organization for LGBTQA individuals, has supported the long-overdue policy.  According to the Diamondback, the proposal could cost the state $1 to $3 million. 

USM Chancellor Kirwan has been a vocal supporter for the proposal.  In a press release by Equality Maryland, he said, "This health care policy change is long overdue for our university employees," said University of Maryland System Chancellor William E. Kirwan.  "The University of Maryland is one of only ten campuses in the 60-member Association of American Universities that does not offer domestic partner benefits to its faculty, and this has impacted our ability to recruit and retain the best talent. Gov. O'Malley's proposal will enable us to bridge this gap."

The policy should have a significant impact on recruiting top-notch faculty, and also is a step in the direction of making our universities more inclusive.


Top 5 Time Management Tips for College Students

Top 5 Time Management Tips for College Students
You have worked hard for the last three to four years, and you are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Graduating college is a major milestone, and will open many doors for you when you have completed your coursework.  The key thing to keep in mind during your senior year of college is to finish strong.  In order to do this, you will need to manage your time wisely, which is a skill that will benefit you in the workplace as well.
  1. Get into a regular routine.  This should include going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day that you are attending classes.  Not only will you feel better with a regular schedule, but you are conditioning your body for career life as well. 
  1. Take advantage of your down time.  Oftentimes, there is an hour or two between courses.  Rather than hanging out at the student union or surfing the web at the computer lab, use this time to review the materials from your last class, or prepare for your next class.  This will certainly help you to retain the knowledge more easily if you make it a habit. 
  1. Plan out readings and projects.  If you are devoting regular study time to your courses, completing major projects, papers, and readings should become increasingly easier to do.  Set achievable goals regarding these items and you won’t be pulling all-nighters to get your work done.  Give yourself milestones and hit your targets. 
  1. Make time for your coursework every day.  The importance of this cannot be understated.  Your final year will come with lots of stresses and pressures, so make sure that you don’t add to your stress level by procrastinating. 
  1. Map out each course’s syllabus.  Pull out your calendars and planners and write down every single thing that is due from the beginning to the end of the semester, but do it in pencil.  Syllabi are subject to change, but seeing everything in one place helps you to realize just how much needs to be done, and by when. 
This post was contributed by Holly McCarthy, who writes on the subject of best online schools. She invites your feedback at hollymccarthy12 at gmail dot com


No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Jonathan Sachs

The Diamondback ran a cartoon today poking fun at UMCP SGA President Jonathan Sachs.  A recent column by UMCP student questioned Sachs' strategies and priorities.  

I've had the opportunity to work with Jonathan closely and have been very impressed with his political acumen and desire to affect change for students.  He's the "go-to" man for state legislators who want to know what students think.  He understands how to both work the political system and take a stand for students--not an easy task, I can tell you from personal experience.  It's fun to take this opportunity to enjoy some comic relief at the expense of Jonathan.  The important message to take away is that Jonathan is moving and shaking enough for people to actually care!

Check out this article and response.  Then check out this cartoon!


USM Textbook Policy to be passed

Chancellor Kirwan, USM staff, and the Board of Regents were very receptive to amendments to the textbook policy at yesterday's Education Policy Committee Meeting of the Board of Regents.  After some conversation, the Board agreed to adopt the policy in principle, with expectations for amendments in coming days.  The Board is set to vote on the policy at its February 13th meeting at Towson. (Copy of new draft / marked-up version).

The policy is quite timely, considering that the Senate's Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee will review the textbook legislation (SB 183).  This legislation causes some concern, with possible undue burdens on bookstores and institutions, evenutally increasing costs for students.  I have draft testimony for your consideration--let me know what you think.

Also, see an article from The Diamondback on yesterday's meeting.


Board of Regents Considers Textbook Policy

The Board of Regents and the University System of Maryland sponsored a Textbook Affordability Summit in December.  The BOR's Effectiveness and Efficiency Workgroup, led by Regent David Nevins, took up the task and has since developed a draft policy for the USM.

The Education Policy Committee will meet today at UMCP to discuss the policy.  See a copy of the policy, with my proposed amendments outlined in red.  

At debate will be to what extent should the BOR mandate clauses, as opposed to make broad suggestions and guidelines.  The debate is rooted in two principles of delegation of authority: academic freedom for faculty and institutional autonomy.

The policy has significant implications, in light of pending state legislation (HB 85 / SB 183).  The System my very well be able to stymie state regulation if the policy is broad and strict enough to meet expectations of legislators.  At the same time, a strict policy may be opposed by institutional and faculty representatives.

Of note, the policy with my amendments includes regulations that:
- release textbooks selections by December 1 for Spring Semester and May 1 for the fall semesters (include ISBN, author, edition, publisher, copyright date, and title)
- ensure that faculty consider the price before assigning a book
- have faculty consider using the same textbook for multiple semesters in a row
- ensure professors only assign new editions when necessary, and have them list all editions that are acceptable for use
- encourage faculty to unbundle book selections
- permit students to access electronic versions of books
- encourage faculty to use online documents and resources in class
- encourage faculty to be judicious in selecting books
- outline the procedure for assigning "recommended" materials
- require the assignment of "integrated" textbooks to be approved by Provosts
- include the use of textbooks as a measure for course evaluations


Tuition Freeze Debated, Front and Center

The policy debate of freezing tuition for in-state, undergraduate students has come to the spotlight in recent days.  Despite the challenging financial times in the state, the Governor has brought the proposal to the fore heralding it as one of his highlights of the budget proposal.  In his State of the State Address, O'Malley took on critics directly:
Is the fight for affordable college about politics??? You’re darn right it’s about politics. It’s about the politics of inclusion. It’s about the politics of prosperity. It’s about the politics of opportunity. It’s about the politics of posterity. It’s about the politics of my kids and yours. It’s about the politics of the hardworking people we serve. You’re darn right it’s about politics.

Legislative leaders have a different perspective on the issue, particularly Senate President Mike Miller, highlighted in The Sun today.  House Speaker Mike Busch has spoken out, explaining that increased investment should be made in community colleges.  The Governor has invested $16.9 million in the FY2010 budget to fund the tuition freeze.

USM officials, though, stand strong behind the Governor.  Chancellor Kirwan highlights the psycological access impediment of "sticker shock."  As many of us know, relying solely upon financial aid and loans for funding a college education is unreliable and stressful.

The Commission to Develop the Maryland Model for Funding Higher Education, commonly known as the Bohanan Comission, proposed in its final report that Maryland strive to reach the 50th percentile in tuition costs in the United States.  Currently, tuition at public institutions ranks 16th in the US and will rank 18th if a tuition freeze is funded this year.  Notably, after two years of double-digit increases in tuition under the Ehrlich administration, tuition in Maryland shot up to 6th nationally.

It's important to put the cost of education into perspective for Maryland families.  Between 2002 and 2007, tuition costs grew by 44.7%.  At the same time, median income grew by only 16.4%.  In other words, tuition is growing three times as fast as family wealth, making higher education significantly less affordable for Maryland families.  Trends like this make higher education less and less a public comodity and more for those who can afford it or earn merit scholarships.  And, in tough fiscal times, families who are not eligible for financial aid are struggling to pay for college otherwise.

USM officials and the Governor recognize the need to maintain affordability for Maryland students and families.  Instead of expanding quality during tough times, legislators should maintain their dedication to holding the line on affordability to ensure that college remains a public good.


A Night with the UMB USGA

Wednesday night, I had the opportunity to meet with about 40 student leaders of the USGA at the University of Maryland, Baltimore to discuss happenings in Annapolis and throughout the USM.  The vast majority were graduate students, a change-up of sorts for me because by nature of enrollments, most students that I interact with are undergraduates.

We spoke about the realities of funding of graduate schools and that from the state's perspective, is often a secondary priority.  The Governor has emboldened his support for a tuition freeze this week for in-state, undergraduate students.  Many graduate students have argued that such a policy sets up graduate students to pay for undergraduate tuition freezes.  I explained that the USM has made it a strong policy that only through full-funding of the operating budget with the USM agree to a tuition freeze.  In other words, the Board of Regents will only approve a tuition freeze if all other costs are covered.

Other issues were raised during the meeting, such as the varying increases in tuition for in-state and out-of-state students.  For instance, in the law school at UMB, out-of-state fees raised 4.3% last year, while in-state tuition increased 7.4%.  The intention of such a move is to attract the best and brightest out-of-state students to UMB Law to drive up the prestige.  I look forward to continued conversations regarding tuition policies for graduate students.

Without a doubt, graduate students are a vital component of the Maryland workforce.  The question we analyze is what is most efficient and fair use of dollars appropriated to higher education, between undergraduate and graduate students.