
Compliance with USM Textbook Policy: May 1 Publication

The Board of Regents passed the USM Policy on Textbook Affordability Measures at the February 13 meeting held at Towson University.  One of the more progressive portions requires all textbook selections to be finalized and published by May 1 for fall semesters and December 1 for spring semesters in II.1 of the policy.  This allows both for early access for students and assurances for the bookstore on which books will be used in the coming semester.  This advance knowledge allows bookstores to purchase textbooks at a higher price during buy-back.  The policy reads (III.10.II.1):

All University System of Maryland degree-granting institutions shall post on the institutional website ISBN, title, author, publisher, and edition for required course material as soon as faculty members and the bookstore have finalized the textbook selection but no later than May 1 for the fall semester and December 1 for the spring semester.  In the case that a course has not been assigned a faculty member by the given deadline, textbook selection shall be conducted and communicated to enrolled students expeditiously upon selection of the materials.

As of May 1, today, 7 USM institutions have complied with the USM policy.  They include:
  • University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • University of Maryland, College Park
  • Bowie State University
  • Towson University
  • Salisbury University
  • University of Baltimore
  • University of Maryland, Baltimore
 Four institutions have not complied with the USM Policy:
  • University of Maryland University College
  • Coppin State University
  • University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
  • Frostburg State University
I have been in contact with USM officials on this issue.  Preliminary discussion yields that the USM is under the impression that the newly passed state legislation "trumps" the USM Policy in this area.  The state legislation requires that universities publish textbook selections on their websites three weeks after the original selection by the professor and one week after for other bookstores.  There is no specific drop-date as in the USM policy.

But there are a few problems with the USM intepretation.  First, the USM Policy should be in effect already becuase it goes into implementation with the textbook selection process for classes in Fall 2009.  Second, and more importantly, the USM policy goes further than the state legislation, in setting a drop-date deadline (May 1 for fall and December 1 for spring) and requires immediate publication upon finalization of the order.

Because compliance with the USM policy does not preclude compliance with state law, why cannot the USM policy be followed?  The language goes further than the state legislation.  More details and updates to come...


Anonymous said...

UMBC doesn't have their textbooks up yet.

Chrissy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

From what I can see, you can access next semester's books through the bookstore's website, located at http://bookstore.umbc.edu, and by selecting the subject, and course.

Immigration said...

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