
USM Textbook Policy to be passed

Chancellor Kirwan, USM staff, and the Board of Regents were very receptive to amendments to the textbook policy at yesterday's Education Policy Committee Meeting of the Board of Regents.  After some conversation, the Board agreed to adopt the policy in principle, with expectations for amendments in coming days.  The Board is set to vote on the policy at its February 13th meeting at Towson. (Copy of new draft / marked-up version).

The policy is quite timely, considering that the Senate's Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee will review the textbook legislation (SB 183).  This legislation causes some concern, with possible undue burdens on bookstores and institutions, evenutally increasing costs for students.  I have draft testimony for your consideration--let me know what you think.

Also, see an article from The Diamondback on yesterday's meeting.

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