
Josh Michael for SGA Senate!

UMBC students - I have spent the last year representing you (and students from across the USM) as the USM student regent and am excited to serve you in the SGA Senate next year.  Working with student leaders across Maryland this year, I see the potential for what the UMBC SGA can do for you.  Here's what I would like to do:

  • restore mission and professionalism to the SGA
  • prioritize advocacy in the operation of the SGA
  • establish concrete outreach plans to return the SGA to UMBC students
I have been involved on campus a fair amount, as well as in student advocacy in the state:
  • Student Regent, University System of Maryland (2008-present)
  • Student Commissioner, Maryland Higher Education Commission (2007-2008)
  • UMBC Representative/Ex-Officio Member, University System of Maryland Student Council (2006-present)
  • Director of Community and Governmental Affairs, UMBC SGA (2007-2008)
  • Assistant Director of Community and Governmental Affairs, UMBC SGA (2006-2007)
  • Volunteer in Baltimore City schools (Fall 2006 - Winter 2007)
  • Member of the UMBC Honors College
  • Member of the UMBC Sondheim Public Affairs Scholars Program
  • Brother of Pi Kappa Phi (2007 - present)
  • Studying Political Science and Secondary Education, to graduate in Spring 2010
Visit my facebook page to learn more.  

Elections will take place through Blackboard Monday to Wednesdsay (April 20-22).  Vote through this link. If you have difficulty voting, send me an email at joshmichael@umbc.edu or call me at (410) 294-8581 and I will ensure that you have the opportunity to vote.

Please leave comments and questions.  Thanks!


minteh said...

where's the sexy flier i made you? =P You totally shoulda posted that.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you said "Restore professionalism to the SGA" because that's exactly what needs to be done, and I'm glad that he's forthcoming in noticing that the SGA does nothing to really influence student life and campus activity. Quadmania this year turned the SGA into a laughingstock, and I'm waiting to someone bring some dignity to the organization billed as the authority on campus. Unfortunately, I'm graduating this semester. So even if SGA does get more dignified, I won't be here to see it.

Anonymous said...

No thanks, I voted against you. I find your resume to be bland and full of fluff.

Josh Michael said...

Thanks all for your comments. To those who haven't voted yet, I would be more than willing to talk with you further by phone or email (410-294-8581 or joshmichael@umbc.edu) should you have questions.

Remember to vote, even if not for me!

SteelWolf said...


If by "full of fluff" you mean, "in charge of 11 state universities," than I guess you're right. Otherwise you're just painfully ill-informed.

ROTC Cadet said...

Josh M sounds very professional and knowledgeable.
He's got MY vote!

Anonymous said...

isnt this post breaking Election Board Policy?

Josh Michael said...

@ Anon: I am not sure how my post breaks election board policy. I have posted on my personal blog that feeds into myUMBC. Anyone can request that their blog be included in the myUMBC feed. Nevertheless, please feel free to file a complaint. Thanks for posting.

SteelTampon said...
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Average Student said...
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Josh Michael said...

FYI the last two comments were removed for offensive language.

Anonymous said...

"FYI the last two comments were removed for offensive language"

what are we...... in elementary school?

watch out, when he gets elected, he will be sensoring student voice too.

Josh Michael said...

i don't like to make it a practice of censoring comments. In this case, the poster used a derogatory term that is very offensive. I have no problem with criticism, but I won't stand for the use of unnecessary use of offensive language on my blog. Thanks, though, for your concerns.

Anonymous said...

Given the recent uproar over porn and freedom of speech, it's funny how now we have speech being censored when it's inconvenient for someone.

Anonymous said...

Man! You people are tough. I'm glad to see so much passion but goodness you people are negative. Props to all of you that were able to express your opinion, not matter what it was, without unneccesary use of offensive language.

army4life said...

i agree with the last 'anonymous' post.
offensive language is COMPLETELY unnecessary. especially if you are trying to persuade others that ur right.