
Testimony on House Bill 85

I testified on Tuesday as part of a panel of USM student leaders expressing support with amendments to House Bill 85.  The USM Student Council voted unanimously (10-0) at its 2/9 meeting to only support the bill with substantial amendments. Panel members included:
  • Bill Logan, Towson undergraduate, Chair of USM Student Council
  • Brady Walker, University of Baltimore law, Vice Chair of USM Student Council
  • Sarah Elfreth, Towson undergraduate, Towson SGA and 2009-2010 USM Student Regent
  • Roberto Munster, UMCP graduate, UMCP Graduate Student Government and USM Student Council member
Our testimony highlighted a number of additions and concerns, addressing concerns of costly administrative burdens, publication of unconfirmed information, limitations on academic freedom, an possible unintended consequences.  We submitted an amended version for review (email me at joshmichael@umbc.edu for a full tracked-changes version).
House members were receptive to comments, and Delegate Craig Rice is willing to carve up the bill to avoid the explained unintended consequences.
The Diamondback covered the event, highlighting the potential increased costs for students, resulting from the proscriptive language.  An editorial  was also published today.

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