
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Jonathan Sachs

The Diamondback ran a cartoon today poking fun at UMCP SGA President Jonathan Sachs.  A recent column by UMCP student questioned Sachs' strategies and priorities.  

I've had the opportunity to work with Jonathan closely and have been very impressed with his political acumen and desire to affect change for students.  He's the "go-to" man for state legislators who want to know what students think.  He understands how to both work the political system and take a stand for students--not an easy task, I can tell you from personal experience.  It's fun to take this opportunity to enjoy some comic relief at the expense of Jonathan.  The important message to take away is that Jonathan is moving and shaking enough for people to actually care!

Check out this article and response.  Then check out this cartoon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you can't let the little things get you down. Thanks for the kind words, Josh.