
UMBC SGA Endorses Slots Referendum

Last night, the UMBC Student Government Association voted to endorse referendum question 2 for the upcoming election, supporting the restricted use of slots in Maryland. The legislation outlines that funds from slots will be used to fund education in Maryland, including up to $150 million in higher education construction dollars each year. Also, the Higher Education Investment Fund funded through the Corporate Income Tax, bringing in about $55 million to higher education each year, will only be retained if slots pass. If the referendum fails, those dollars will be dumped into the general fund. Six of the nine Senators voted for the resolution, none opposed, and three abstained from the vote.

The resolution preludes an expected vote by the USM Student Council at its upcoming meeting on October 12. On a related note, the Towson student government association will consider a similar resolution this evening at their 5pm meeting.


G. Way said...

What a disgrace. Colleges are supposed to be places of education and enlightenment, but all this reflects is the SGA's ignorance of the facts about this referendum and the social ills that slots will bring. Just like with the Chartwell's decision, I can't wait to see how massive of a disaster this will be.

Good going again, SGA.

Anonymous said...

The SGA needs to stay out of endorsing non-UMBC related issues, because they can not represent all of us. While I see slots as a way for people to waste money, I am not against it as the money would go toward education. If dumb people want to waste their money and help finance state education in the process. Let them.