
Become the Next Student Regent

It's that time of year, already. Time to find my replacement! Here is some information that you might find useful:
Position Description

Each year, students from across the system compete for the position. Here is a brief overview of the process:
1. Students express interest, contact Vice President of Student Affairs at their campus and compete in an "institutional" selection process, if there is more than one person interested
2. By November 26, the President of each institution must submit their nominee (maximum 1 candidate from each degree granting institution, maximum 11 candidates)
3. The USM Student Council interviews candidates on December 7, and will likely select the three top candidates. In the form of a letter, the names will be forwarded to Chancellor Kirwan.
4. Chancellor Kirwan will interview candidates, and barring no major concerns, will forward the USM Student Council's recommendations to the Governor's Office of Appointments (usually occurs in January)
5. The Governor's Staff reviews the nominees and makes a selection sometime between February and June 30th.

If you have questions about the process or the position, please feel free to contact me by phone (410) 294-8581 or by email joshmichael@umbc.edu.

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