
USMSC Meeting, November 16

The USM Student Council met yesterday at Towson to discuss a number of issues. Here is a link to my report to the Council.

The Council discussed a number of issues including:
  • the impact of decreased state budget revenues on operating budgets for institutions
  • efforts to proactively address illegal filesharing on campuses in order to avoid over-regulation by the federal government and/or music industry
  • advocacy/lobbying plan for the Spring session
  • Annapolis 101- lobbying day for students with the state legislature

I also asked the Council to research and consider a number of issues:
  • differential tuition by discipline
  • differential tuition increases/decreases for each institution
  • mid-year tuition increases
  • mandatory healthcare
  • in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants

The Council will meet next at UMBC on December 7 to consider candidates for student regent.

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