
My Goals and Standards

I figure it's time that I share with you my goals and standards for my service as student regent. During the coming year, I am dedicating nearly all of my time outside of my academics to better serving you. I want to better understand your experience, so I will be traveling all over the State visiting institutions, whether to sit in on classes or to attend sporting events.

My two main goals during the coming year are:
  1. Broaden student advocacy for Maryland students by
    1. facilitating student involvement in shared governance at all levels, and
    2. networking with students across the system.
  2. Increase access to higher education for current and future Maryland students by pursuing efforts to make costs more affordable.
My standards for operating are to:
  1. Be passionate and thorough in all that I do.
  2. In decision making, consider and weigh all perspectives, while ensuring that the student perspective is accurately and appropriately represented.
  3. Be respectful of each and every person I work with, listening carefully to their perspective and holding judgments until I have developed a broader base of knowledge.
  4. Meet, greet, and get to know students and other stakeholders across the system.
  5. Listen and ask questions on all issues, making a significant effort to reach out to students.
  6. Maintain constant contact with student leaders across the system.
  7. Serve as a resource for students who struggle to solidify access and voice in public policy discussions and decisions.
To read more, check out my extended document.

Please hold me accountable to my goals and standards. Invite me to attend an event on your campus. Call me (410-294-8581) or send me an email (joshmichael@umbc.edu) with comments, ideas, complaints, or feedback.

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